-a flower blooming in a puddle-
This is the vase made from a crystal used the surface tension of water effectively.
This vase is made from shaving a crystal. (size 100mm dia. H120mm)
In the center of the vase, a hole 20 mm in diameter and 100 mm in depth has opened.
Moreover, it is the mechanism of appearing the surface tension of water effectively, by making a shallow at the top of a vase.
The surface tension of water is expressing the feeling of vitality of the plant arranged there.
This vase is utilizing water itself as a texture of the surface of a vase.
So, it is visible as if a vase, water, and a plant assimilated. It seems that the pillar of water stands as for it.
By filling water and arranging a plant, this vase can be completed for the first time, and can give special value to space.